{"id":103065,"date":"2022-10-20T20:44:02","date_gmt":"2022-10-20T20:44:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/kevin-spacey-wins-in-civil-sexual-abuse-case-brought-by-actor-rapp\/"},"modified":"2022-10-20T20:44:02","modified_gmt":"2022-10-20T20:44:02","slug":"kevin-spacey-wins-in-civil-sexual-abuse-case-brought-by-actor-rapp","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/kevin-spacey-wins-in-civil-sexual-abuse-case-brought-by-actor-rapp\/","title":{"rendered":"Kevin Spacey wins in civil sexual-abuse case brought by actor Rapp"},"content":{"rendered":"

Oct 20 (Reuters) – Kevin Spacey on Thursday defeated a sexual abuse claim against him after jurors in Manhattan civil trial found his accuser didn’t prove his claim that the Oscar winner made an unwanted sexual advance on him when he was 14.<\/p>\n

The verdict followed a three-week trial in Manhattan federal court and came roughly two hours after jurors began deliberating.<\/p>\n

Anthony Rapp, now 50, tested that Spacey climbed on top of him on a bed and pressed his groin into Rapp’s hip until he was able to wriggle free. Spacey denied the allegation on the stand and said he had never been alone with Rapp.<\/p>\n


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