{"id":169065,"date":"2022-12-26T20:01:26","date_gmt":"2022-12-26T20:01:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/xbox-series-x-reportedly-getting-classic-ps2-rpg-and-its-sequels\/"},"modified":"2022-12-26T20:01:26","modified_gmt":"2022-12-26T20:01:26","slug":"xbox-series-x-reportedly-getting-classic-ps2-rpg-and-its-sequels","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/xbox-series-x-reportedly-getting-classic-ps2-rpg-and-its-sequels\/","title":{"rendered":"Xbox Series X Reportedly Getting Classic PS2 RPG and Its Sequels"},"content":{"rendered":"

According to a new report, Xbox consoles — presumably Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and possibly Xbox One as well — are getting a classic PS2 RPG and its two follow-ups. The report comes the way of Nick Baker via from the Xbox Era podcast. When it comes to inside Xbox information, Baker is one of the best sources, though he’s been off the mark in the past. In other words, take the following information with a grain of salt.<\/p>\n

According to Baker, Xbox has been brokering a deal with Atlus and Sega to get Shin Megami Tensei 3<\/em>, 4, and 5 on Xbox consoles and potentially Xbox Game Pass as well. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it brokered a deal wth Atlus and Sega already to bring Persona 3<\/em>4, and 5 to Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass this year.<\/p>\n

“Microsoft looks to have done another deal [in addition to Persona<\/em>] with Atlus from what I’ve been told,” said Baker. “I do want to make sure I say this correctly… so what I have been told is that Microsoft is looking to do a similar deal to persona<\/em>which is to bring Shin Megami Tensei<\/em> 3, 4, and 5 to Xbox. Whether that includes a Game Pass deal, I don’t know. In terms of timelines, I don’t know. Look how long Persona took Atlus. This could be a while away, but it’s a similar deal to persona<\/em> 3, 4, and 5.”<\/p>\n

Baker continues: “I’ve got told this is a pretty big deal for them…. apparently this is a fairly big deal for Xbox to get these three games across. This is what I’ve been told.<\/p>\n