{"id":172325,"date":"2022-12-30T07:42:05","date_gmt":"2022-12-30T07:42:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/cartier-bracelets-luis-ruelas-gifted-to-teresa-giudices-daughters-are-allegedly-fake\/"},"modified":"2022-12-30T07:42:05","modified_gmt":"2022-12-30T07:42:05","slug":"cartier-bracelets-luis-ruelas-gifted-to-teresa-giudices-daughters-are-allegedly-fake","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/cartier-bracelets-luis-ruelas-gifted-to-teresa-giudices-daughters-are-allegedly-fake\/","title":{"rendered":"Cartier Bracelets Luis Ruelas Gifted To Teresa Giudice’s Daughters Are Allegedly Fake"},"content":{"rendered":"

Folks, I’m going to need you to sit down and take a deep breath because there is some shocking news coming your way. There is scandal afoot in New Jersey and I for one am SHOCKED. Real Housewives of New Jersey<\/strong> MV Teresa Giudice<\/strong> married Luis Ruelas<\/strong> over the summer and this was their first Christmas as husband and wife.<\/p>\n

Under the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights, Teresa’s<\/strong> four beautiful daughters were presented with the highly sought-after Cartier Juste Un Clou Bracelets. The generous gifts were bestowed upon them by their beloved step daddy, Louis<\/strong>. The girls took to the Tok to praise their mother’s new husband and share their riches with followers that could only hope to have such fine jewelry one day. The videos have been removed.<\/p>\n

Lucky for us because according to Page Six<\/em>you no longer have to be envious of the Giudice<\/strong> girls! Yes my friends, you too can have bracelets just like Miliana Giudice<\/strong>. No, you don’t have to spend $12,500 or marry a man with questionable intentions. You just have to walk around for about 5 minutes at a construction site!<\/p>\n

The coveted \u201cnail-bracelet\u201d by Cartier gifted to Teresa’s<\/strong> adoring children are\u2026 allegedly fake. today Gia Giudice<\/strong> was all, \u201cwakin’ up in the mornin’ thinkin’ bout so many things, wishin’ my jewelry wasn’t paste.\u201d It truly is a sad and embarrassing day. On the bright side, I guess Tre can’t say Melissa Gorga<\/strong> is the fakest thing on Real Housewives<\/strong> anymore. Bow for Melissa. Thank you, Jesus!<\/p>\n

RELATED: <\/strong>Teresa Giudice’s Fiance Luis Ruelas Sued For $113K As His Company Files For $1M Bankruptcy<\/p>\n

Instagram account The Real Bad Fashions provided some insight on how the ugly truth behind Luis’<\/strong> sham was discovered. The bracelet was closely photographed by the account’s creator in an effort to show that the box Gia<\/strong> was holding didn’t have the authentic Cartier logo. \u201cWhy is the Cartier logo off-center,\u201d they questioned. Why are there numerous AliExpress boxes hidden in Luis’ closet? God, I hope Teresa didn’t get any Channel boots.<\/p>\n

One commenter wrote, \u201cThese can easily be duplicated on 47th street\u2026\u201d Another follower added, \u201cMoney talks\u2026 Wealth whispers\u2026 And these girls are screaming.\u201d Thank goodness Teresa’s<\/strong> lawyer from the jail days was available to make a comment to Page Six<\/em>as the family is currently huddled in a cocoon of humiliation.<\/p>\n

He said the fake nail bracelets were a big hit with Luis’<\/strong> new family \u201cI think in the spirit of what Christmas is really all about, people’s focus should be elsewhere and not on something silly like this,\u201d James Leonard<\/strong> shared.<\/p>\n

Sir, you have never been more incorrect in your life. You mean the general public forced these young ladies to run to social media to flaunt what they thought was expensive jewelry in everyone’s face? And because the power of Christ compelled the Giudice<\/strong> sisters to show off to their thousands of followers, people are now supposed to disregard the fact that Super Luis<\/strong> is actually Duper Luis<\/strong>? Au contraire mon fr\u00e8re!<\/p>\n

We will have to wait and see what Teresa<\/strong> says about this interesting turn of events. In the meantime, I hope none of those fake nails pop her love bubble.<\/p>\n


[Photo Credit:Santiago Felipe\/Getty Images ]<\/p>\n<\/div>\n