{"id":181163,"date":"2023-01-09T01:54:59","date_gmt":"2023-01-09T01:54:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/destiny-2-players-are-throwing-games-as-the-fastest-way-to-grind-iron-banner\/"},"modified":"2023-01-09T01:54:59","modified_gmt":"2023-01-09T01:54:59","slug":"destiny-2-players-are-throwing-games-as-the-fastest-way-to-grind-iron-banner","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/destiny-2-players-are-throwing-games-as-the-fastest-way-to-grind-iron-banner\/","title":{"rendered":"‘Destiny 2’ Players Are Throwing Games As The Fastest Way To Grind Iron Banner"},"content":{"rendered":"

Destiny 2<\/p>\n


The sequel to Destiny 2’s grand Hakke emblem win trading scandal is here. Albeit a touch less interesting than that famous \u201cthrow the game\u201d signifier from way back when. This time around, it’s Iron Banner, and the games being thrown require less signaling, and more just\u2026organized apathy.<\/p>\n

How did we get here? Here’s the situation currently unfolding in Destiny 2:<\/p>\n

  • There is a very, very good shader hidden away in the second reset’s reputation track in Iron Banner. It turns all cloth into chainmail, and it’s one of the most unique shaders I’ve seen in the game so far.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    Destiny 2<\/p>\n


    • The problem is that the grind to reach rank 16 in the second reset is an astonishing <\/em>amount of games, somewhere between 60-80 I believe, depending on how often you win or lose, and if you’ve maxed your reputation multipliers.<\/li>\n
    • At max multipliers, wins give you around 300 reputation in Iron Banner while losses give you 220. Hence, the calculation has been made that two quick mercy losses, which can take maybe 3-4 minutes, will give you 440 reputation compared to a game that goes to nine minutes for a 300 reputation win. And of course if you lose, you’re only getting 220.<\/li>\n
    • Hence, players have discovered that if they want to grind rep and really get that shader, they can band together to lose as fast is possible, usually after a few minutes with a score of 65-0, that’s the fastest way to farm rep. Also the more boring way, but in terms of time efficiency, it really can’t be beaten.<\/li>\n
    • As such, there are now LFG groups searching for five other players to throw games by essentially doing nothing. Just emoting and running around to not get kicked for being AFK until the other team wins the game after the first turret drop.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


      This, of course, reveals a few problems. First is that the current grind is so lengthy and exhausting that people would rather do this than actually\u2026play the mode. Second is that there really is no mechanism to prevent this. It’s not like you can just not give out rep on a mercy loss, as there are plenty of legitimate<\/em> mercy losses, way more than illegitimate ones, and those people still want their rep for at least trying.<\/p>\n

      I don’t think there’s an easy fix here, and honestly, I don’t think there really should<\/em> be a fix. If people want to do this mind-numbing thrown-games grind to get to the 19,000 total rep to get to the shader, I mean, go for it. It’s an even faster 300 rep for the team that beats them, so it’s not like anyone’s losing.<\/p>\n

      The problems lie within Iron Banner itself, which has been reduced down to just two weeks, which is at least one too few for the amount of grinding it demands, whether that’s weapon rolls, a full armor set or the emblem and shader hidden in the second reset. And with no dates on when the second week will even be, players are concerned they might not be able to even play next time, depending on their schedule, so they had better just grind now.<\/p>\n

      I am on this grind myself, but I’m not throwing games. I’m zoning out and hipfiring DMT and acquiring my hard-earned losses the old fashioned way. Nearly there now. Shader tomorrow, I’m thinking.<\/p>\n

      follow me <\/em><\/strong>on Twitter<\/em><\/strong><\/a>, <\/em><\/strong>YouTube<\/em><\/strong>, <\/em><\/strong>Facebook<\/em><\/strong> and <\/em><\/strong>Instagram<\/em><\/strong>. Subscribe to my free weekly content round-up newsletter, <\/em><\/strong>God Rolls<\/em><\/strong>.<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

      Pick up my sci-fi novels the <\/em><\/strong>Herokiller series<\/em><\/strong> and <\/em><\/strong>The Earthborn Trilogy<\/em><\/strong>.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n