{"id":185193,"date":"2023-01-13T02:56:08","date_gmt":"2023-01-13T02:56:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/jennifer-coolidge-delivers-hilarious-speech-at-2023-golden-globes-rolling-stone\/"},"modified":"2023-01-13T02:56:08","modified_gmt":"2023-01-13T02:56:08","slug":"jennifer-coolidge-delivers-hilarious-speech-at-2023-golden-globes-rolling-stone","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/jennifer-coolidge-delivers-hilarious-speech-at-2023-golden-globes-rolling-stone\/","title":{"rendered":"Jennifer Coolidge Delivers Hilarious Speech at 2023 Golden Globes \u2013 Rolling Stone"},"content":{"rendered":"

\n\tthroughout the 2023<\/span> Golden Globes ceremony, a few women who took the stage to accept their trophies used their time in front of all of their peers to express relief at knowing that despite their age, they could still be winners \u2014 and that women and their talents don’ t come with an expiration date. For Jennifer Coolidge, 61, her win had been a long time coming, but part of her had already accepted that it was n’t in the cards.<\/p>\n


\t\u201cI just want you all to know that I had such big dreams and expectations as a younger person, but what happened is they get sort of fizzled out by life and whatever,\u201d Coolidge said while accepting the award for Best Supporting Actress \u2013 Television Limited Series\/Motion Picture for The White Lotus<\/em>. \u201cI had these giant ideas. And then you get older and, oh, shit’s going to happen. And, Mike White, you have given me hope. You’ve given me a new beginning.\u201d<\/p>\n


\tCoolidge’s speech moved White, creator of The White Lotus<\/em>, to tears. \u201cEven if this is the end, because you did kill me off,\u201d she joked, though she was the only character that returned for a second season on the HBO series. \u201cBut even if this is the end, you changed my life in a million different ways.\u201d <\/p>\n


\tIt’s not just that she’s a Golden Globe award-winning actress, but now every neighbors actually take the time to speak to her and invite her out. \u201cYou make people want to live longer, and I did n’t,\u201d Coolidge told White, reflecting on the surprising new era of her career. <\/p>\n


\tBut it wasn’t just White who stood in every corner along the way. \u201cSome of the people in this room, there were like five people that kept me going for, you know, 20 years with these little jobs,\u201d Coolidge said. It was Ryan Murphy with The Watcher<\/em>Reese Witherspoon Legally Blonde<\/em>Michael Patrick King with 2 Broke Girls<\/em>and Paul and Chris Weitz with American Pie<\/em>which she would return to however many more times they would like her to. <\/p>\n


\t\u201cI didn’t know anybody, and it just was sort of this thing that wasn’t going anywhere,\u201d Coolidge added. \u201cThen there were these people who would give me these cute little jobs, and it would just be enough to get to the next one.\u201d<\/p>\n