{"id":33529,"date":"2022-08-02T21:03:44","date_gmt":"2022-08-02T21:03:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/disney-announces-every-marvel-panel-event-at-upcoming-d23-expo\/"},"modified":"2022-08-02T21:03:44","modified_gmt":"2022-08-02T21:03:44","slug":"disney-announces-every-marvel-panel-event-at-upcoming-d23-expo","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/disney-announces-every-marvel-panel-event-at-upcoming-d23-expo\/","title":{"rendered":"Disney Announces Every Marvel Panel Event at Upcoming D23 Expo"},"content":{"rendered":"

After the first live showing at San Diego Comic-Con in three years, Marvel Studios is back on top of the movie world thanks to its epic Hall H presentation. And now, the team is already hard at work prepping for the team’s next upcoming round of excitement at September’s D23 expo in Anaheim, California.<\/p>\n

Marvel Studios is known to steal the show regularly at D23, and with three years having passed since the event last ran in person, fans are giddy to find out what the MCU has in store this year. This expo should take what was delivered at Comic-Con and bring even more depth to those announcements, with two new phases of movies and TV shows already in place, including nearly a dozen open release slots in Phase 6.<\/p>\n

Now, with just over a month remaining until D23, the question now is what exactly Marvel has planned for its future projects in the MCU. Answers to that question very much seem to be coming soon thanks to an official listing on the D23 website, which hints at some huge things arriving for the Marvel faithful in September.<\/p>\n

Marvel’s Big Presence at D23 Expo 2022<\/h2>\n

The official website for the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California announced every Marvel-centric event planned for this year’s showcase, which runs September 9-11.<\/p>\n

On Friday, September 9, fans will have the chance to join a detailed tutorial session showing how to put some of Marvel’s iconic characters on paper from Marvel’s Director of Themed Entertainment, Brian Crosby:<\/p>\n


Marvel DRAW Live!<\/p>\n

Friday, September 9, 2\u20132:30 pm PT and Saturday, September 10, 1:30\u20132 pm PT | D23 Expo Live! stage<\/p>\n

Join Brian Crosby, Marvel’s Director of Themed Entertainment, for a real-time, step-by-step tutorial session on how to draw some of Marvel’s most iconic heroes and villains! <\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

The big event of the weekend will come at 1:00 PM EST \/ 10:00 AM PST on Saturday, September 10, when Marvel Studios takes the stage for its showcase on the MCU’s future. This will include theatrical releases and Disney+ shows as the studio brings various talent from across the franchise to show “exclusive footage” <\/strong>and teases for what’s on the way, including “surprise guests.”<\/strong><\/p>\n

This will also include presentations by Lucasfilm and other divisions:<\/p>\n


Hall D23<\/p>\n

Saturday, September 10, 10 am PT | Hall D23<\/p>\n

As previously announced, filmmakers, celebrity talent, and surprise guests from Marvel Studios will join Lucasfilm and others onstage in Hall D23 to showcase theatrical and Disney+ titles. Going behind the scenes of these studios’ highly anticipated films, specials, and series, attendees will see exclusive footage and be among the first to learn what’s in the works. <\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Later that day, Spider-Man will take the spotlight as Marvel celebrates the web-slinger’s 60th anniversary in Marvel Comics. A pair of comic editors will look back on the hero’s history and tease what’s coming in the future as well:<\/p>\n


Marvel Comics: Celebrating 60 Years of the Amazing Spider-Man<\/p>\n

Saturday, September 10, 2-3 pm PT | Backlot Stage<\/p>\n

Celebrate sixty spectacular, sensational, web-slinging years of Spider-Man! From his humble debut in 1962’s Amazing Fantasy<\/i> #15, he wall-crawled his way to international super-stardom. Now, join Marvel’s Executive Spider-Editor Nick Lowe and Editor-in-Chief CB Cebulski as they team up to trace the comics history of the web-head across six decades\u2014and BEYOND! Tantalizing trivia about the webbed wonder will be shared in this can’t-miss panel, so be sure to swing by! Fans attending will also receive a special exclusive giveaway (while supplies last), to be revealed in the coming weeks!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

On Saturday night, Marvel Editor-in-Chief CB Cebulski and Executive Editor Nick Lowe will be available for signings with fans, providing a unique opportunity to interact with Marvel’s top current names in comics: <\/p>\n


Signings with Marvel Editor-in-Chief CB Cebulski and Executive Editor Nick Lowe<\/p>\n

Saturday, September 10, 5:30\u20136:30 pm PT | Talent Central<\/p>\n

Swing by Talent Central to meet Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief CB Cebulski and Executive Spider-Editor Nick Lowe for a signing opportunity!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

What Will Marvel Reveal at D23?<\/h2>\n

In terms of smaller fan experiences, event attendees will have a fun opportunity to dive into the world of Marvel Comics with some of the biggest names in the print world today. Spider-Man remains as popular as ever thanks to the panel celebrating his 60th anniversary, and Marvel is making sure to give some deep insight into how comics work with the panel on how to draw some of the team’s biggest heroes and villains.<\/p>\n

Even with how much fun is sure to be had at these events, the headliner is still the Hall D23 presentation early on Saturday. It’s here that Marvel will provide even more insight and information about the newly-named Multiverse Saga, which already has the MCU fandom going crazy over confirmed plans for at least 15 live-action projects through 2025.<\/p>\n

Now, the big mystery is what exactly Marvel has in store for that highly-anticipated panel.<\/p>\n

Could there be more concrete information on the cast or director for 2024’s Fantastic Four<\/em>? How about news regarding a second solo outing for Shang-Chi now that Destin Daniel Cretton is directing Avengers: The Kang Dynasty<\/em>? Will fans finally get anything official regarding Ryan Reynolds’ MCU debut in Deadpool 3<\/em>?<\/p>\n

Whatever the specifics turn out to be, fans are sure to be in for a wild ride, with the D23 Expo taking place in the middle of Disney+’s run with She-Hulk: Attorney at Law<\/em> and about two months before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever<\/em>. <\/p>\n

The 2022 D23 Expo will begin on Friday, September 9 in Anaheim, California.<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n


After the first live showing at San Diego Comic-Con in three years, Marvel Studios is back on top of the movie world thanks to its epic Hall H presentation. And now, the team is already hard at work prepping for the team’s next upcoming round of excitement at September’s D23 expo in Anaheim, California. Marvel …<\/p>\n

Disney Announces Every Marvel Panel Event at Upcoming D23 Expo<\/span> Read More »<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"site-sidebar-layout":"default","site-content-layout":"default","ast-global-header-display":"","ast-main-header-display":"","ast-hfb-above-header-display":"","ast-hfb-below-header-display":"","ast-hfb-mobile-header-display":"","site-post-title":"","ast-breadcrumbs-content":"","ast-featured-img":"","footer-sml-layout":"","theme-transparent-header-meta":"","adv-header-id-meta":"","stick-header-meta":"","header-above-stick-meta":"","header-main-stick-meta":"","header-below-stick-meta":"","spay_email":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_is_tweetstorm":false,"jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true},"categories":[5],"tags":[14226],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"jetpack_featured_media_url":"","jetpack-related-posts":[{"id":29132,"url":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/kevin-feige-promises-even-more-mcu-announcements-following-comic-con\/","url_meta":{"origin":33529,"position":0},"title":"Kevin Feige Promises Even More MCU Announcements Following Comic-Con","date":"July 29, 2022","format":false,"excerpt":"The MCU has become infamous for its presence at major conventions as Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige stands before a crowd of ecstatic fans to reveal plans for the future. 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