{"id":41810,"date":"2022-08-11T02:30:41","date_gmt":"2022-08-11T02:30:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/people-hated-forspokens-dialogue-so-much-that-it-made-joss-whedon-trend-on-twitter\/"},"modified":"2022-08-11T02:30:41","modified_gmt":"2022-08-11T02:30:41","slug":"people-hated-forspokens-dialogue-so-much-that-it-made-joss-whedon-trend-on-twitter","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/people-hated-forspokens-dialogue-so-much-that-it-made-joss-whedon-trend-on-twitter\/","title":{"rendered":"People hated Forspoken’s dialogue so much that it made ‘Joss Whedon’ trend on Twitter"},"content":{"rendered":"

Some of the early trailers for Forspoken, a Squeenix action-adventure\/RPG epic coming in January, suggested portentious world-saving stuff. This is a different vibe to a clip shared on Forspoken’s offical Twitter this week, which featured main character Frey Holland doing a “Yup, that’s me!” kind of elevator pitch for the game. A lot of people on the birdssite took an instant, vehement dislike to Frey’s dialogue, and were just as instantly sure who to blame for the peachy keen quiplashing, even if by proxy. Yes, Joss Whedon strikes again. <\/p>\n


In the clip Frey lists all the stuff that’s going on with her (“So let me get this straight…”) in the snarktastic style of a fast-talking MCU character. I can’t be sure, but I think the biggest offender is “I’m seeing freaking out<\/em> dragons”. Everything in the clip is actually edited down from other stuff (mostly a story trailer from almost a year ago). But, welp, sometimes something just hits at the wrong moment, and thousands of people quote-tweet your game and blame Joss Whedon for it.<\/p>\n


A beautiful and cruel new land? Twisted monsters? An array of magical abilities? Sentient jewelery!? <\/p>\n

Welcome to the world of #forspoken<\/a>. pic.twitter.com\/46diiLnQ7M<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Forspoken (@Forspoken) August 8, 2022<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

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