{"id":45196,"date":"2022-08-14T15:53:46","date_gmt":"2022-08-14T15:53:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/does-hulus-predator-prequel-have-a-post-credits-scene\/"},"modified":"2022-08-14T15:53:46","modified_gmt":"2022-08-14T15:53:46","slug":"does-hulus-predator-prequel-have-a-post-credits-scene","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/does-hulus-predator-prequel-have-a-post-credits-scene\/","title":{"rendered":"Does Hulu’s Predator Prequel Have a Post-Credits Scene?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Prey was a unique and exciting entry to the Predator franchise. But does the film tease a continuation of the story that was set up?<\/p>\n

\"Prey <\/picture>





The following contains spoilers for Prey, now playing on Hulu.<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n<\/section>\n<\/section>\n

the Predator<\/em> franchise has spent decades building its lore and expanding on the species and culture of the Yautja. While not all films hit the mark critically, they still offered interesting tidbits to the world that have helped audiences better understand why Predators hunt. But in Dan Trachtenberg’s Prey<\/em>the timeline is rewound to see how other sub-species handled humanity before automatic rifles and military tactics.<\/p>\n

The movie followed a young Comanche woman named Naru who was hot on the heels of a new predator that threatened the sanctity of her tribe as it killed countless apex predators. When the two finally battled, Naru became the victor and earned higher respect from her people. In the end, the film felt largely final, but there were some small hints to how the franchise could continue from this point. That said, did Prey<\/em> have a post-credits scene?<\/p>\n

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RELATED: A Prey Theory Claims the Predator’s Iconic Shoulder Cannon Was Actually Stolen<\/span><\/p>\n


How Dan Trachtenberg Crafted Unique Post-Credits for Hulu’s Prey<\/h2>\n
\"Prey <\/picture> <\/figure>\n<\/p><\/div>\n<\/p><\/div>\n

Prey<\/em>‘s story concludes Naru’s journey and how she became a warrior amongst her people, but should audiences continue to watch the film’s credits, they’ll be treated to an ancient style of storytelling. Told in paintings in-line with the film’s setting, the film’s narrative is retold, likely by Naru to her people. However, once the story ends, the credits conclude with a brief tease of multiple Yautja ships descending on the Comanche territory.<\/p>\n


Trachtenberg spoke about how the scene was the best way he could let his nerdy side breathe, even though he knew the main goal was to make a good movie. Nevertheless, it was clear that the influences of the franchise couldn’t be disregarded. But for audiences, the brief and clever post-credits scene sparked just enough interest to ponder how this could expand further and if Naru would be a part of the story again.<\/p>\n


RELATED: Prey: Every Easter Egg & Reference to the Original Predator Movies<\/span><\/p>\n

What Prey’s Post-Credits Mean for the Predator Franchise<\/h2>\n
\"Prey <\/picture> <\/figure>\n<\/p><\/div>\n<\/p><\/div>\n

Prey<\/em>‘s post-credits scene could be interpreted in many ways, and they all fall in line with the larger franchise. For starters, the Feral Predator’s could’ve sent a signal to its people to retrieve the body, as this was also shown in Predator 2<\/em>. However, it could also be a form of retaliation, as this was supposed to be an easier planet to hunt on due to it still being primitive in its weaponry. As a result, more Yautja were sent to investigate, forcing Naru to train her people to combat them and leading to how the Yautja obtained the Andolini Pistol gifted to Mike Harrigan in Predator 2<\/em>.<\/p>\n

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However, Naru’s expertise in killing the creature could also lead to her or another’s kidnapping so they can be taken to one of their game preserve planets. This would then place whoever is taken in another foreign environment to better test how people have evolved in their hunting tactics. For now, much is up in the air. But in time, thanks to positive audience ratings, it’s possible the answers could provide themselves beyond a post-credits scene.<\/p>\n

See how this unique post-credits scene affects the franchise; Prey is streaming now on Hulu.<\/em><\/p>\n