{"id":54993,"date":"2022-08-24T13:45:00","date_gmt":"2022-08-24T13:45:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/harry-styles-comments-on-gay-sex-and-sexuality-are-frustratingly-coy-harry-styles\/"},"modified":"2022-08-24T13:45:00","modified_gmt":"2022-08-24T13:45:00","slug":"harry-styles-comments-on-gay-sex-and-sexuality-are-frustratingly-coy-harry-styles","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/harry-styles-comments-on-gay-sex-and-sexuality-are-frustratingly-coy-harry-styles\/","title":{"rendered":"Harry Styles’ comments on gay sex and sexuality are frustratingly coy | Harry Styles"},"content":{"rendered":"

H<\/span><\/span>arry Styles has spent a few years at that unfortunate stage of mega-celebrity when everything he says is subjected to forensic online scrutiny for intricate layers of meaning, implication and self-betrayal \u2013 so it’s just as well, for him at least, that he’s got very good at soundbites that, even when parsed to the nth degree, don’t say very much at all.<\/span><\/p>\n


The singer-actor’s interviews tend to be rife with uncontroversially quotable statements on the value of kindness, creativity and following your own path. His latest spread in Rolling Stone largely follows suit, dropping such bombshells as \u201cIt’s okay to be flawed \u2026 I make mistakes sometimes,\u201d \u201cIf I have kids at some point, I’ll encourage them to be themselves,\u201d and, on taking up therapy, that \u201cSo many of your emotions are so foreign before you start analyzing them properly.\u201d Well, if you were Harry Styles, why would you go any deeper than that in a public forum?<\/p>\n

Yet again, the interview sees Styles sidestepping the matter of his own sexuality \u2013 a habit that has seen the star, whose preference for non-binary fashion keeps leading the media into chasing a more declarative statement of identity, accusing of \u201cqueerbaiting\u201d in more heatedly righteous corners of the internet. \u201cSometimes people say, ‘You’ve only publicly been with women,’ and I don’t think I’ve been publicly with anyone,\u201d he says \u2013 a perfectly reasonable stance, even if some might argue that his apparent relationship with his Don’t Worry Darling director Olivia Wilde seems more or less public.<\/p>\n

When the conversation shifts to his burgeoning film career, however, Styles is somewhat more drawn on the subject of sexuality \u2013 and does himself few favours. The occasion for his increased candor is My Policeman, a British prestige drama set to premiere at Toronto next month: Styles plays the lead role of a closeted gay cop in 1950s Brighton, who begins a relationship with a man while marrying the woman who has fallen for him. It’s a specifically queer story dictated by the UK’s criminalisation of male homosexuality. Its gay screenwriter, Ron Nyswaner, has specialized in LGBT+ narratives through a career that includes Philadelphia, Freeheld and Soldier’s Girl; its director, theater luminary Michael Grandage is queer, as are Styles’s co-leads Emma Corrin and David Dawson.<\/p>\n
