{"id":86469,"date":"2022-10-04T08:03:59","date_gmt":"2022-10-04T08:03:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/microsoft-may-move-halo-to-unreal-engine-5\/"},"modified":"2022-10-04T08:03:59","modified_gmt":"2022-10-04T08:03:59","slug":"microsoft-may-move-halo-to-unreal-engine-5","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/microsoft-may-move-halo-to-unreal-engine-5\/","title":{"rendered":"Microsoft May Move ‘Halo’ To Unreal Engine 5"},"content":{"rendered":"

Halo Infinite<\/p>\n


The saga of Halo Infinite continues, as after some high profile departures and leadership restructuring, a new rumor is circulating that could be the biggest change of all.<\/p>\n

According to journalist Jeremy Penter, he claims that his sources have told him that Halo will ditch its Slipspace Engine and move instead to Unreal Engine 5:<\/p>\n

\u201cI can only confirm that many sources are saying this and very clear that it’s already been decided and Halo is for sure switching to Unreal.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n

This comes in the wake of the lead engineer behind the Slipspace Engine leaving 343 last month, though that was not as widely reported as the departure of the head of 343, Bonnie Ross. <\/p>\n

This would be such a massive shift for the game it’s almost a little hard to believe. Yes, it’s true that the Slipspace Engine is likely responsible for many of Infinite’s development issues, and a more flexible engine like Unreal may be better suited for faster, more frequent updates. And yet, how would this work exactly? Is Microsoft really going to port the entire game over to Unreal Engine 5? Campaign and all? This also seems like it would not be compatible with the upcoming Slipspace-built Forge system, as if any feature is going to be heavily dependent on the engine, it’s going to be that mode. We also don’t know how this move would affect the Halo probably-Battle Royale game being made by Certain Affinity, as presumably that’s also been made with Slipspace, since it’s been in the works before Unreal Engine 5 was even a thing. <\/p>\n


The idea is that perhaps Infinite will just be fully left behind and future projects will move to Unreal, ditching the idea of \u200b\u200bInfinite as launchpad for the future of the franchise, and starting over with another clean slate in a new engine. But many wonder if the \u201cfeel\u201d of Halo, which in part exists because of its current engine, could be lost.<\/p>\n

And yet, we know that Microsoft wants to make big changes with Halo, so doing something like this, a complete<\/em> overhaul of the series with an entirely new engine, certainly qualifies as \u201cbig.\u201d Microsoft has previously announced that Halo Infinite is meant to be a \u201cplatform\u201d for the entire next generation of Halo, but if the engine is proving this unwieldy now, and leading to excruciatingly slow development, that may be reason enough to undertake a massive shift like this.<\/p>\n

The sourcing on this remains pretty limited, and again, the sheer scope of the idea makes it hard to believe on its face. But with as much development trouble as Halo Infinite has had both before and after launch, an earth-shaking change like this may be what the series needs to get to the next level. I’d argue there are other, more pressing problems within 343 contributing to Halo’s misfortunes. A cool new engine won’t fix a battle pass progression system, for instance.<\/p>\n

My first instinct is that a total engine switch over to Unreal here seems like too insurmountable a task to take on, but we’ll have to wait and see for further sourcing, or an official announcement.<\/p>\n

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