{"id":98293,"date":"2022-10-15T23:43:08","date_gmt":"2022-10-15T23:43:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/ksante-abilities-revealed\/"},"modified":"2022-10-15T23:43:08","modified_gmt":"2022-10-15T23:43:08","slug":"ksante-abilities-revealed","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/harchi90.com\/ksante-abilities-revealed\/","title":{"rendered":"K’Sante Abilities Revealed"},"content":{"rendered":"

K’Sante the Pride of Nazumah has been getting teases and reveals all week. Now the first gameplay trailer has come out showing off some of his abilities. There is no doubt he will be a top laner but could he see play elsewhere too? Here is the latest on the K’Sante Abilities.<\/p>\n

[Related: League of Legends K\u2019Sante Release Date]<\/strong><\/p>\n


The official K’Sante abilities in terms of Riot Games revealing their descriptions have not been revealed yet. This will be what was gathered from his gameplay trailer which can be seen below. Once the official release has happened, this will be updated.<\/p>\n


Q- Name Unknown<\/p>\n

This looks to be a low-cost ability that he spams almost like Riven of Zeri or a combination of the two. These also seem to do certain things depending on what stage his weapons are in.<\/p>\n

W- Name Unknown<\/p>\n

This ability is a charging knockback. The longer the player holds it down, the further K’Sante will go and knock back his opponent. Whether this works on multiple opponents or goes over walls is currently unknown.<\/p>\n

E-Name Unknown<\/p>\n

This looks to be a simple shield that may also help his basic attacks or Qs. That was not entirely clear.<\/p>\n

R- Name Unknown<\/p>\n

K’Sante receives a buff and looks to be able to charge his opponents over walls while also attacking faster and also changing his weapon. It also looks as though his abilities, specifically his Q becomes empowered allowing him to do some different basic attacks.<\/p>\n

Again, for now this is speculation based on the video. Comment below to say if maybe things look a bit different than what is described here. Once more is known this article will be updated to reflect that and see how close the eye test was.<\/p>\n


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