The Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs, September 12 - 18, 2022 - harchi90

The Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs, September 12 – 18, 2022

As all the world seems to slow down this week with six planets in retrograde motion, the theme is to make sure to slow down, so you do not miss something important.

Retrograde planets mean that they appear to move backward in the sky right now as they begin their own new cycle.

During this time, even if they are not actually moving in this foreign direction, it does mean that you will be asked to slow down and reflect as well.

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Retrogrades are an auspicious time, even if they are not always seen that way because they allow you to ensure you do not miss a crucial opportunity, a deep feeling or even a new perspective.

During this intense season of six retrograde planets, which will last through the beginning of October, it is important to use it to take care of loose ends or matters you need to bring closure to.

This is also one of the purposes of this phase and a crucial one for moving ahead or seizing those lucky moments.

When you give yourself time to reflect and slow down, you also give yourself the ability to go deeper into your own process.


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